We provide comprehensive support programs to address specific challenges associated with diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
The Hockomock Y has signed on to the National Exercise is Medicine™ Program, an small-group exercise program designed for individuals who struggle to incorporate exercise into their daily routine. Our goal is to help participants increase daily physical activity by providing the support and education necessary to finally stick with a healthy lifestyle.
Call 508-772-1310 or CONTACT US to participate.
“Before I started exercising I was not an athlete. I do cardio and strength and now I feel good, and good about myself. To be honest, I don’t always feel motivated or have the time to work out. I have 8 grandchildren and a busy schedule, but I find the time to make my health a priority.”
–Doreen, Wellness Seeker
Exercise is Medicine is a 12-week program designed for individuals who have struggled with sustaining physical activity and improving nutrition habits in their daily routine. We help participants develop their own physical fitness program so they can continue to practice a healthy lifestyle, providing support and guidance through the process. Included in this program is a no charge twelve-week membership for participant and their families.
The Hockomock Area YMCA employs a team of certified fitness and nutrition professionals who provide individualized instruction, guidance, and motivation to the participant.