We all need the advice of an expert sometimes, as well as the personal attention that comes with a trainer or coach. Our Y offers personal training and coaching to help you set and meet your specific goals in order to live healthier.


Top: Overview of what PT is at your YMCA, and how it’s an advanced, personalized thing. Maybe describe the benefits (taylored experience, performance-focused, led by certified trainers who get results).


Next: Offerings — One-on-One PT, Paired PT and Team PT (whatever you guys like to call it). I do think we would do well to come up with some lingo that’s more compelling than “Group Personal Training.”

We’ll add a big fancy CONTACT US button in here somewhere and explain that it’s all by appointment.

If we’re feeling ambitious, we can add the GROUP PT Class schedule on here.

The bottom of the page, we’ll present head-shot images of PTs, along with their names — this will help potential clients recognize them on the wellness floor and make it easier to ask for PTs by name.