We provide comprehensive support programs to address specific challenges associated with diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.


Our Promoting Achievable Change program is designed for youth ages 7–14, together with a parent/guardian. Promoting Achievable Change (PAC) meets once a week for 1 hour and is facilitated by a trained and experienced staff member. Through nutrition and physical activity education, our goal is to help youth diagnosed with a high BMI and their families create sustainable behavior change.

This parent-child program helps improve nutrition and increase physical activity, especially those who are living with health issues. The Hockomock Area YMCA employs a team of certified fitness and nutrition professionals who provide individualized instruction, guidance, and motivation to the participants.

Call 508-772-1310 or CONTACT US to participate.

“I found the PAC program and the opportunity to join the Hockomock Area YMCA to be life-changing!

I am hoping that my daughter and I have instilled ourselves with a healthy way of life that will continue. We now read nutrition labels, keep portions to a single serving, and know that fiber means full. We have meaningful and lasting results!”

Wendy, PAC Mom


This supportive, small group one-hour class facilitated by a trained and experienced staff member employs approaches that help intervene and stop the downward, often out-of-control cycles that cause unhealthy lifestyles. Included in this program is a no charge twelve-week membership for the participant and his/her family. Our goal is to help families increase daily physical activity by providing supportive and educational tools to change current behavior, creating progress toward a healthier lifestyle. We help families in developing their own physical fitness program so they can continue to practice a healthy lifestyle.