Hybrid fitness classes that emphasize martial arts movements, like kickboxing and tai chi.


This interval style class includes a cardiovascular workout focusing on upper & lower body strength using kicks, jabs, plyometrics, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, & contact work using focus pads & wavemaster bags. (Recommended for Intermediate/Advanced fitness levels, however suitable for all levels).

Tai Chi

Tai Chi incorporates simple, low impact movements that increase flexibility, balance, range of motion, vitality, relaxation, mental focus, strength, & overall well being. Each student learns at his or her own pace in a relaxed, noncompetitive atmosphere. (All levels).


Nia routines are done barefoot to a great mix of music. A powerful, heart-pumping workout with whole-body conditioning. Nia combines martial arts power; easy to learn dance movements and patterns; alignment, strength, and flexibility work from yoga. (All levels).